Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When Politics and Economics collide - MEGA POST

After watching the hysteria of today’s 500+ point drop of the DOW, I can’t just sit back and pretend that you can take politics out of our current economic conversation. Forever I was taught to not include my personal political views in discussions of politics because 1) you don’t want to alienate people from what should be a numbers conversation and 2) you don’t want readers and clients to judge you due to certain political views (I’m in the business to get as many clients, not turn off potential or current clients). But things have gotten so bad that it’s time to put some cards on the table.

Let me first say I’m an Obama supporter. I think he’s a very smart man. I like a million things about him, and his family, in a personal and social way. The biggest issue I have with him, which isn’t very different than issues I have with most Democrats, is that he either has no balls, lost them or sold them out. For his 50th birthday I hope he wished for his political balls to drop like a teenage boy going through puberty.

As for Republicans, I don’t even think that word describes the current party that opposes the Democrats these days. They’re so fractured that I’m confused when I hear various groups trying to describe what the Republican Party stands for in 2011. You’ve got Reagan Republicans, right wing religious Republicans, Tea Baggers, Birth-ers, Constitutional and about 10 other descriptions of what a Republican is / are. I don’t think any of these groups actually know what ‘true” republicans stand for. Take a conservative from 40 years ago and ask them to join one of our two parties now, I think they’d make a B-line for the Democrats.

The problem with the economy is huge. So huge that it’s not limited to what was just perceived as a United States issue or just a political ideals issue. What’s strange is that with each new economic disaster, the path to recovery or the question of what can be done seems to be easier to find. Today was a shock to the system when the DOW and almost all other markets took huge hits. Lots of news has come out that is surprising to many but in reality shouldn’t be as shocking as it is. Italy’s economic troubles, Greece’s issues and other EU countries are reporting such economic troubles that there is great fear that the EURO may be headed for a rollercoaster ride to which many felt that the Euro’s creation and the EU would shelter the whole from some of these problems of the parts. China’s eventual slowdown in growth shouldn’t shock anyone. How long can one country continue to grow and grow and the double digit pace that they’ve been growing (especially for a communist country) and not expect the party to finally be over and real governing has to take place. It’s like in sports, there are no problems for winning teams; but as soon as a team starts loosing, fingers are pointed, backstabbing starts and no one is happy with their contract or playing time. Winning, or in this case making money, hides all problems. What happens when the winning (or growth) slows down? How that is handled is even more important than when times where good. Japan, well lets face it, Japan would rather have had an attach from Mothra or Godzilla than deal with tsunamis and nuclear meltdowns right in the middle of their own economic stagnation.

If you’ve been reading my blog or spoken to me, I’m a huge jobs person. Obviously I’m no genius to say that America needs new, better and higher paying jobs. It’s so easy to say, that I hate to even type it, because it shouldn’t even need to be said. Apparently it does need to be said because no one is doing anything about it. Now this is where we start getting political.

What’s clear to me is that the Republican Party wants nothing to do with any success that Obama can have or might have. They’re doing every thing possible to keep our economy as bad as it is so that the jobs numbers and the real “working class” have a revolt against the president in the 2012 election. “They”; the secret “they” that run each side of the Dems and GOP, “They” on the GOP side know that they have no real contender for the presidency. Part of the reason is that the GOP is so fractured that there is no one person that can stand up and represent all the different factions. Especially when some of the factions are just plain crazy, such as the Glen Beck-ians or the Palin followers. “They” know that in the past no president that has had nearly as bad of an economy has every won re-election but the GOP has such a bottom of the barrel group of candidates that for them to win the economy has to be at or heading to an all time failure.

Don’t get me wrong, Obama isn’t doing anything to help himself. I’ve seen better negotiating skills from my five year old niece this weekend when I tried to pay her to make and deliver drinks to me during our family vacation. When GOP leader Boehner says gleefully that he got “98% of what he wanted” from the recent debt limit negotiations AND is still crying (you decided if I’m speaking literally of figuratively) that the Obama Whitehouse is the root of all our problems; he basically handed the president his ass on a plate. I’d rather think that this president is too smart for bully fights. He’s brought a sniper rifle to a nuke fight. He’s trying to involve all sides, thinking that he can reason with the “enemy” and that he’s actually in a debate / negotiation where both sides want what’s best for the country. In reality, the GOP just wants to blow up the president and the democratic leaders and don’t care how it gets done even if that means killing themselves in the process.

There was no question in my mind that we would raise the debt limit. Why, because Wall Street didn’t have a question about it. If there was any doubt, the months and weeks leading up to August would have seen huge shifts in the market to embrace the fact that were where going to not pay our bills for the first time ever. But there where no such signs and when the smart people came to the kids table and told them to quit all this bitching, the debt limit was going to get raised. (Yes, current drops in the Dow and other indices would lead you to believe this was a surprise, but let’s be real; the Dow is still over 10k and if there was a real scare we’d be at 5k) It’s something that has been done many times in the past and will happen again. Debt is a commodity and every country uses it to one extent or another. Just as debt has become a viable stock option that can be bought sold and traded (but this is going to go on too long anyway, let’s not go there). This was a hostage situation where hostage was itself. There was a gun being pointed at the US economy’s head by the GOP. Sure some out there said, pull the trigger, that’s just what we need to get back on the right foot. But these are just morons. Essentially saying, we’re not going to pay our biggest debts so that we can balance our books for a few years, and then once (and if) we do balance our books we’ll start paying back the debt that we ran up. I don’t think that would set well with our investors. Ask any of the banks (whom we should have let kill themselves in 2009) if they would agree to let mortgages slide for a few years and make no money off interest so that the public could get back on it’s feet and then start paying off the mortgage again. This is simple economics or better yet, street economics. Ask a drug dealer if we can have that ounce of pot, smoke it, in the meantime not pay them but when we get our check in next month, we’ll pay them back. I don’t think that would sit well.

But I’m droning on. The point was there was a fake crisis and the GOP was either ballsy or brilliantly using this fake crisis to 1) keep the money flowing to the rich (themselves and their backers) and / or 2) make the president look bad. At the end of the day, as Boehner almost said, they got both.

I’ve got no problem with socialized medicine. I’ve got no problems with raising taxes on people making over 200 – 250k in income by 3%.

*Let me stop right her to make a point that I talk about every week. There isn’t a person in the world whose Net taxable income is over 200k and aren’t in reality making at least double that. Even a half assed accountant will get someone whose making 300 – 400k look like the person or family is making less than 200k per year. Even if you are someone who gets straight W-2’d and taxes are taken out automatically out of your paycheck, there are thousands of ways for you to get some sort of refund; whether it’s housing interest deductions or small business losses or… you know, I’m not even going to get into it. Just look at the tax code book. It’s about 3 inches thick. There’s a reason for that, it’s because there are 1,000+ ways to not give the government money. And if you ARE one of the few that Makes 200k+ per year and have no deductions or creative accounting and your taxes get raised 3% (like the president proposes) then I’m sorry, find another line of work. We’re just talking about 3% or $6,000 on that 200k. If you’re already paying your 20-25% what’s another 3% so that you can live in the “best country in the world”. I think the real problem is that you don’t see what the initial or extra money gets you. I’ll leave this sidebar and topic for later or another post because the waste of tax dollars could fill up another 10,000 words.*

Back to what got me started, Politics and Economics. The politics have gotten so bad that they’re using our current economic problems to push political agendas. As I said, the GOP was holding a gun to our economic future. What the president fell for was the fact that they couldn’t pull the trigger. They had a hostage that needs to be kept alive. They can’t kill it and then give the dead body back. That would destroy their plans as well.

As always, Obama tried to reason with the GOP. Obama even tried to give the GOP a little threatening of his own, but that’s not him. When he set a deadline, it was more of a suggestion. “24 – 36 hours” and you guys better figure something out. Yeah that really scared them. Never does Obama start on the crazy left and work his way to the middle. (No, I didn't steal this from Bill Maher's latest show. I had this going since last week. Great minds think alike) The GOP starts from the crazy right, Obama starts from the middle and we end up in a generally conservative solution. To which the GOP still say they’re unhappy so Obama has to go even further to the right and basically give in to 98% of what the GOP wants. Frankly I think Obama and the Dems are lucky to get the 2% that’s left over.

I heard an economist listing all the troubles that the world economy is going through. It’s clear that the US isn’t the only country that has problems. But what was a silver lining was that they where speaking about how SOMEONE was going to have to be the leader of the recovery. With so many countries failing and others slowing down, there needs to be and will be a country that leads the world out of this mess.

That was inspirational to me because I feel that this is a golden opportunity for the US to regain its spot in the world economy but also regain its spot as the top world superpower. Someone’s going to figure out how to create new jobs and manufacture something that the world wants, why not let it be the good ole USofA?!?!

In my world things are great. Since the Treasury yields are what determine interest rates, the fact that the yields are so low, they are creating record low interest rates. What can we really learn from these low yield and high bond prices (yields and bond prices move in opposite directions)? It tells us that investors are willing to give us (the American people) money at very low interest rates. This means that the people that are investing in Treasury bonds are willing to take almost nothing as interest because they see that as a safer bet than investing in stocks or even in other markets around the world. Can I just say this was another reason we couldn’t just not pay our bills, we have to preserve our AAA credit rating. Even with an AA rating our treasuries are still a better investment than other stocks which are taking hits. With money coming in at such low rates, why not use that to further push along social and infrastructure projects that can put people back to work which would then create revenues via taxes and make the public buyers of goods instead of hoarders of money. Using the money that’s coming in via the treasuries why not earmark that money to fill up the many potholes in the city of Los Angeles? There is no lack of potholes that need filling and I’m sure we could find people to do this work. In a very short time you could see money being worked back into the system. Back in the day, there were endowments for the arts. This wasn’t just a liberal-hippy cash giveaway but an actual way to get creative people out there making money and creating something. During past recessions, photographers where sent to take pictures and make books. This seems like a waste on the surface but you’re giving an artist a job. Someone who would more than likely be unemployed or unemployable in this recession. They’re creating something that maybe will lead them to go out on their own on the next project because they now have proven their talents. They’ve also used their income to purchase cameras and computers to create these pictures. Then they’ve also spent money on the publishers / printers that produce these books. One job that on the surface seems so silly actually can create so many revenue streams for other business and possibly create a new small business owner down the line. And where did this money come from? Treasuries that only need to pay 3.8% as of 8/4/2011. It’s costing the government 3.8% to fund something that can generate 8% in sales tax alone. I’m sure I’m oversimplifying the process but it can’t bet that much further than what I’m talking about.

Why do we need jobs? So that people will spend money. That’s the goal. Forget that if people are working there are tax dollars to be made, the truth is that if people are working they can spend money on goods that then in turn make companies a profit which will hopefully mean that small business need to hire more people… I don’t know how it can be any clearer to how a strong economy grows. It’s not because the rich get to keep a few percentage points. If companies and individuals with great wealth get to keep what they’ve already made there’s no motivation or incentive for them to higher more people or put out that extra money. They’ll just keep it because the economy is bad and they either wants to cash in on that extra money or keep it incase things get worse. The joke is that if they sit on that extra money, things will get worse. Tax cuts do not work to stimulate the economy on the ground level. If anything they do the opposite.

Now giving the average worker a federal tax holiday or small business tax incentives to newly hired workers, that will get people to hire more and spend more. Imagine a tax cut that’s not on money that a millionaire has already made but for the average person taking home a paycheck, there isn’t a federal tax deduction on that paycheck for a month. Wouldn’t that put money directly into the worker’s hand? In turn, logic would tell you that they will spend that money back into the economy. Again, these seem like simple answers. But because politics are involved, things get complicated in a hurry.

The GOP doesn’t want these problems solved, especially by such “socialist” means because they want to be in office. My question to that is, if you screw up the economy so badly, that when and if you take over, what are you going to do if you do end up with the Whitehouse? We’ll be in a worse position than we are now. The only answers that the Republicans seem to want to push are the same old answers of tax breaks for the “job creators” or rich. At that point, we’ll have officially killed the middle class and have a two tiered caste system (which many people believe we’re in now).

The bottom line is that we need adults. The leadership on all sides is pathetic. I’m not very old, certainly not old enough to say, “In my time I remember”. But I can read. And when I read I find that not to long ago the winning or loosing of power was 2nd to what was best for the people of this country. Now it seems that the possession of power is more important to the politicians than the health, liberty and happiness of our country’s people. It’s now about keeping the job rather than doing it based on what the people voted for.

I used to think that the first 100 days of a presidency was important because that was supposed to set the tone for the new president but now I think it’s the only 100 days that a president has before he has to start worrying about the next election.

If anything (if you’ve made it with me this far); I hope you take away that it’s not one side or another that is hurting us right now. Sure there are social sides and ideas that I like better from one party than the other. That’s not what is important right now. We need LEADERSHIP. We need people to put aside their differences and figure out solutions and be able to enact on these solutions ASAP. We’re going to choke on our own political bullshit. I just hope someone smart comes along and gives us the Heimlich.

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